Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement

University of California General Liability Program seeking applications from qualified law firms for panel of approved defense counsel

Friday, August 30, 2019 9:08 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

The Regents of the University of California, Office of General Counsel and Office of Risk Services are conducting a Request for Proposals to select a limited number of preferred outside law firms to represent the University and its employees in litigation under its General Liability Program.  General liability claims exposure is covered by the University’s General Liability Self-Insurance Program and typically involves third-party lawsuits alleging personal injuries (auto accidents, slip and fall, etc.), non-employee discrimination and harassment, ADA violations, libel, slander and invasion of privacy, appellate work and claims involving sexual violence/harassment/Title IX.  This recruitment does not include employment, medical malpractice or professional liability-related lawsuits or police misconduct.  Attached you will find a memorandum announcing the panel review seeking applications from qualified firms, along with the application.  These materials are also available online at

All applications and supporting material will be accepted through October 15, 2019, and must be submitted in 1 PDF via email to


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