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  • Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:58 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Comments sought:

    This e-mail is to inform you that a new proposal has been posted to the California Courts web site, at http://www.courts.ca.gov/policyadmin-invitationstocomment.htm.

    The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions has approved for posting for public comment its 34th release of proposed revisions and additions to the civil instructions (CACI). This release includes proposed new and revised instructions including one revocation, in response to developments in the law over the last six months. The committee is very interested in your input.

    The proposed changes and additions are available for viewing on the internet at http://www.courts.ca.gov/policyadmin-invitationstocomment.htm . Only these currently proposed changes and additions are being submitted for comment at this time. We will gladly accept other comments, but the committee will not be able to consider them until the next release cycle. 

    Our preferred way of receiving your comments is in a Word file attached to an e-mail sent to civiljuryinstructions@jud.ca.gov. However, you may also respond online.  And we have also posted a comment form that you may use to comment on individual instruction or groups of instructions. Please do not comment by Reply All to this e-mail.

    Comments by letter should be sent to:

    Mr. Bruce Greenlee, Attorney

    Judicial Council of California

    Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions

    455 Golden Gate Avenue

    San Francisco, CA 94102

    The deadline for receiving comments is Friday, March 1, at 5:00 p.m.

    All comments will be reviewed by the advisory committee, which will make recommendations to the Judicial Council's Rules and Projects Committee and then to the full council. Comments received will become part of the public record of the council's action.

    When submitting comments, please:

    • Indicate whether you agree with the proposal, would agree with the proposal if it is modified, or do not agree with the proposal.
    • Clearly identify the specific language in the instruction that you are commenting on.
    • Suggest alternative language, if appropriate.
    • Provide any applicable authority for your position.

    We encourage your comments and critique because they help us refine both the particular instructions and the more global choices about format and approach.  We appreciate your participation in this effort.

    On behalf of the Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions, Hon. Martin J. Tangeman, Chair

  • Friday, January 18, 2019 8:18 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Please find amended rules with an effective date of January 22, 2019 HERE. The rules were amended by the Judicial Council at its January 15, 2019, business meeting. To see the meeting materials, please go to the council’s meeting page at http://www.courts.ca.gov/jcmeetings.htm.

  • Tuesday, January 15, 2019 11:13 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    On January 4, 2019, Orange County Women Lawyers Association kicked off the year with a viewing of On the Basis of Sex.  The film features Felicity Jones as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during a span in her lifetime from law school through her first oral arguments. 

    Several members met for a happy hour prior to the movie and over 40 attorney and judicial members showed up with significant others, daughters, and friends to watch the limited release film.  It was simply a delight to watch this film with a group that understands the pressures of the legal profession – both with our colleagues as well as the impact it has on our personal lives.  The moments of laughter were not only humorous, but also a shared understanding of what we, or our fellow women attorneys that have paved the way before us have endured.  If viewers weren’t a fan of the NotoriousRBG before the film, they were when they left the film. 

    A special thank you to the event co-chairs and OCWLA board members Jessica Munk of the Law Office of David W. Wiechert and Tracy Hughes of the Orange County District Attorney’s office for executing the planning of this successful event over the holiday season.

    Michelle A. Philo
    OCWLA President
    General Counsel
    Adtile Technologies Inc.

  • Wednesday, January 09, 2019 11:16 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    OCWLA Community,

    On behalf of Orange County Women Lawyers Association, Happy New Year! The OCWLA Board of Directors conducted its board retreat and the planning for another fantastic year is under way. The energy of this group of women is simply contagious. I am incredibly fortunate to lead this team.

    The theme for 2019 is EmpowHer™. Along with the organization's mission statement, we are dedicating our efforts to empowHer women in our Orange County legal community with a variety of networking events, invigorating CLE topics, and of course, our signature Annual Gala, Mardi Gras Membership Mixer, Women Judges Reception, and Holiday Installation Dinner.

    We started this year with a screening of On the Basis of Sex, a movie about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Over 40 women attorneys and judges, along with their friends, spouses, and children turned up on a Friday evening to enjoy the film.


    My goal this year is to provide you with a brief monthly update of what you can expect from OCWLA each month.

    Membership Renewals are Due:

    Don't forget to renew your membership for 2019! In addition to significantly discounted membership rates at our events, you will have access to our membership directory and discounted membership rates for our affiliates California Women Lawyers and National Association of Women Lawyers. There are discounted membership rates for attorneys in their first 5 years of practice and government attorneys. In addition, law students and new admittees (first year of practice) receive complimentary membership.


    Upcoming Events:

    Friday, Jan. 11 - CLE: Ethics 2.0: California's New Rules of Professional Conduct featuring Scott Garner and Suzanne Burke Spencer to discuss the updates and changes to the rules. Make sure you grab that elusive ethics credit before the reporting deadline.

    Saturday, Jan. 19 - Women's March - We heard you! Several members have expressed a desire to march with the OC Women's March in Santa Ana. An email will be sent as soon as a meeting point is decided upon. If you would like to march with OCWLA, please email info@ocwla.org to express your interest.

    Monday, Jan. 28 - Book Club: Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly. Our popular book club continues to grow. Grab a book off your bookshelf to participate in the book swap.

    Tuesday, Feb. 12 - Save the Date: Mardi Gras Membership Mixer & Wine Tasting! This popular event will be held on Fat Tuesday. Stay tuned for registration details.

    Other Opportunities:

    Award Nominations:  Award nominations are now available for our Judge of the Year, Attorney of the Year, and Advancement of Women Awards. Nominations are due by February 15, 2019.

    Philanthropy Applications: Since 2010, OCWLA has donated more than $110,000 to our local community. OCWLA will continue its history of charitable giving. Applications for qualified 501(c)(3) organizations to apply for grants are due by January 31, 2019.  

    Annual Sponsorship Package: Our 2019 Annual Sponsorship Package is available. For one flat rate, sponsors are featured at OCWLA's four signature events and receive recognition all year long.

    Committees: Serving on a committee is an excellent way to get engaged with OCWLA. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, please contact me. The Gala Committee is an excellent opportunity to get involved with OCWLA.

    Do not hesitate to reach me with your ideas, thoughts, and goals. In the meantime, we will continue our work to EmpowHer women in our legal community.


    Michelle A. Philo

    OCWLA President

    General Counsel

    Adtile Technologies Inc.

  • Wednesday, December 26, 2018 11:43 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Do you speak Spanish but find that there are legal terms you are not familiar with? Or run into difficulties translating some intake questions? Or sometimes wish there was someone you could check with on the best way to articulate a court term in Spanish? 

    Join us for a brown bag lunch series on legal terminology. 

    Where: Legal Aid Society of Orange County 

    2101 N. Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana 

    Time: 12:00PM – 1:30PM 


    • Tuesday, January 8th – Introduction to Legal Spanish 
    • Tuesday, February 12th – Client Intake Challenges 
    • Tuesday, March 19th – Estate Planning/Family Law 

    RSVP: Email Grace Landa at glanda@publiclawcenter.org

    Be sure to include the dates you will attend.

  • Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:08 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Attached please find new and amended rules with an effective date of January 1, 2019. The rules were amended by the Judicial Council at its November 30, 2018, business meeting. To see the meeting materials, please go to the council’s meeting page at http://www.courts.ca.gov/jcmeetings.htm.

    Please Note- Our in-house editors are still reviewing the attached document.  If any changes are made we will follow-up with you.

  • Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:07 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    The Regents of the University of California Office of General Counsel and Office of Risk Services are conducting a review of the panel of law firms providing services for UC Los Angeles Medical Center under the University’s Professional Medical and Hospital Liability Program.  Attached you will find a memorandum announcing the panel review and seeking applications from qualified firms. Application materials are available online at http://www.ucop.edu/general-counsel/index.html.  All applications and supporting material must be submitted via email to PL_Defe.svimj5vaqp713tex@u.box.com

    As mentioned in the attached memorandum, important considerations for our selection process include a demonstrated commitment to diversity, efficiency and cost–effectiveness. The University of California serves one of the world’s most diverse communities and draws its student body, its faculty, and its employees from a wide array of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. Providing effective legal representation and advice therefore demands that the University’s legal representatives and staff are capable of understanding and communicating with individuals from many backgrounds. (Please also see http://www.ucop.edu/general-counsel/_files/diversity_statement.pdf)

    Applications will be accepted through January 31, 2019.

    For questions or assistance regarding the process or application materials, please contact Shari Guzman, Legal Support Specialist Coordinator/Office of the General Counsel at shari.guzman@ucop.edu or (510) 987-9441.

  • Monday, November 26, 2018 9:55 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    The United States Attorney’s Office in the Central District of California is hiring is Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs) for the Criminal and National Security Divisions.  AUSAs in the Criminal Division prosecute federal cases in the Central District of California and advise federal law enforcement agents on  investigations, present cases to the grand jury, try cases before the United States District Court, and represent the United States in criminal appeals before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  AUSAs in the National Security Division are responsible for combatting national security and cyber security threats facing our region and our nation.  The Office is also interviewing for AUSAs in the Criminal Appeals Section of the Criminal Division.  AUSAs in the Criminal Appeals Section supervise or handle all of the Office's matters before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, comprising approximately 300 appellate briefs and 110 oral arguments per year.  For information regarding current job opportunities at the United States Attorney’s Office, please visit the attached website.   


  • Monday, November 19, 2018 4:39 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)


    The Civil Division of the United States Attorney's Office for the Central District of California is seeking exceptionally talented experienced attorneys from diverse backgrounds who wish to serve the public by representing the federal government and its employees in defensive and affirmative civil litigation.  Primary areas of defensive practice are tort cases, including medical malpractice and personal injury, employment discrimination cases, and the defense of law enforcement and government personnel in cases alleging constitutional violations.  Primary areas of affirmative civil enforcement are False Claims Act cases, including whistleblower actions brought by “qui tam relators,” Controlled Substances Act cases, and actions to recover penalties imposed by administrative agencies.  Civil Division AUSAs are active at both the trial and appellate levels, engaging in motion practice, trying cases, conducting discovery, negotiating settlements, and writing and arguing appeals.  

    See details:  https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/employment/attorneyslawyers

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