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  • Friday, January 31, 2020 4:52 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Awardees will be honored at OCWLA's Annual Gala in August 2020, celebrating OCWLA's 45th Anniversary and recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.  

    Judge of The Year 

    The criteria for the award is based upon the nominee's contributions and commitment to bench, bar and community, especially with regards to advancing women in the legal professions and women's issues generally. 

    Download Nomination Form

    Attorney of The Year 

    The Attorney of the Year should be an outstanding member of the legal community as well as the community at large, with a proven commitment to advancing women in the legal profession as well as women's issues generally. 

    Download Nomination Form 

    Advancement of Women Award

    This award seeks to recognize and celebrate a law firm, or other legal organization, whose words, actions, and deeds support the advancement of women within the firm and in the greater legal community. Please include the following when submitting your nomination:

    • The total number of partners within the firm and the number of female partners;
    • Other leadership positions held by women in the organization;
    • Specific policies that promote diversity and the interests of women;
    • A description of how the organization's culture supports the advancement and growth of women;
    • Examples of how the efforts of the nominee have resulted in advancement of women in the firm and the legal profession;
    • Notable awards, recognitions, or other metrics showing the firm's efforts;
    • Notable women attorneys and achievements within the firm

    Download Nomination Form 

  • Thursday, January 23, 2020 3:28 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Comments sought:

    This e-mail is to inform you that a new proposal has been posted to the California Courts website, at http://www.courts.ca.gov/policyadmin-invitationstocomment.htm.

    The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions has approved for posting for public comment proposed revisions and new instructions. The committee is very interested in your input.

    The proposed changes and additions are available for viewing on the internet athttp://www.courts.ca.gov/policyadmin-invitationstocomment.htm . Only these currently proposed changes and additions are being submitted for comment at this time. We will gladly accept other comments, but the committee will not be able to consider them until the next release cycle.

    Our preferred way of receiving your comments is in a Word file attached to an e-mail sent tociviljuryinstructions@jud.ca.gov. However, you may also respond online. And we have also posted a comment form that you may use to comment on individual instruction or groups of instructions. Please do not comment by Reply All to this e-mail.

    Comments by letter should be sent to: 

    Mr. Eric Long, Attorney

    Judicial Council of California

    Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions

    455 Golden Gate Avenue

    San Francisco, CA 94102

    The deadline for receiving comments is Monday, March 2, at 5:00 p.m.

    All comments will be reviewed by the advisory committee, which will make recommendations to the Judicial Council's Rules and Projects Committee and then to the full council. Comments received will become part of the public record of the council's action.

    When submitting comments, please:

    *             Indicate whether you agree with the proposal, would agree with the proposal if it is modified, or do not agree with the proposal.

    *             Clearly identify the specific language in the instruction that you are commenting on.

    *             Suggest alternative language, if appropriate.

    *             Provide any applicable authority for your position.

    We encourage your comments and critique because they help us refine both the particular instructions and the more global choices about format and approach.  We appreciate your participation in this effort.

    On behalf of the Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions, Hon. Martin J. Tangeman, Chair

    Benita Downs

    Legal Services | Leadership Services Division

    Judicial Council of California

    455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102-3688

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020 9:40 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    For Charitable Giving
    2020 OCWLA Officers _ Directors
    It is the goal of the Orange County Women Lawyers Association to make charitable gifts to non-profits in the spirit of assisting the advancement of the status of women and children in law and society in matters including, but not limited to:
    1. Legal services, education, awareness, and prevention services regarding domestic violence, and human trafficking.
    2. Gender discrimination, harassment, or bias against women.
    3. Access to services that support and improve the rights and lives of women.
    OCWLA is currently accepting applications for its philanthropic giving.  All applications are due by January 31, 2020.
    2019 President Michelle Philo presents Family Legal Assistance at CHOC Children's with a grant on behalf of OCWLA
    Would you like to help the OCWLA Continue to support these organizations?
    Please consider an Annual Sponsorship:

  • Tuesday, January 07, 2020 4:09 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    OCWLA Community,

    Orange County Women Lawyers Association is excited to celebrate its 45th Anniversary this year! The Board of Directors had its retreat this past weekend to plan the year and there are many exciting things on the horizon for our members. From our signature events, to new outings (Chicago, the musical), philanthropy volunteer opportunities, and CLEs to continue to advance women in the profession, this year looks like a year not to be missed!

    Membership Renewal: If you have not yet renewed your membership,  now is the time to do so! With a goal of breaking through 500 members in 2019, OCWLA soared past the goal with 592 members. We encourage you to join this year as we aim to break another membership record.
    Installation Dinner Recap:
    On December 10, the 2020 Board of Directors for both the Orange County Women Lawyers Association and the Orange County Women Lawyers Association Foundation were installed by Hon. Linda Marks.
    Upcoming Events:
    Friday, January 10MCLE: Follow My Lead: Excelling in Private Practice and on the Bench with Hon. Sheila Prell Sonenshine - Hon. Sonenshine will share her experiences in the legal profession from launching her own practice to being appointed to the bench.

    Monday, January 27 - The January book club book is The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates. This no host group continues to meet at Mimi's Café in Tustin for casual conversation about the monthly books. There is no charge for members to attend.

    OCBA Judges Night, January 16 - OCWLA is coordinating a table of members to sit together at the 2020 OCBA's Judges Night and Annual Meeting. If you are interested in sitting at the same table as OCWLA members, please contact info@ocwla.org no later than Thursday, January 8, 2020. You will be invoiced through OCWLA and OCWLA will coordinate and pay for your seat at Judges Night with other OCWLA members.

    Saturday, February 8 - Hockey Night - Join OCWLA for this family friendly event as the USA and Canada National Women's Hockey Teams meet on the ice at Honda Center. Both teams feature Olympic athletes. The seats are only $25 and are on the Club Level. Please purchase tickets by January 20.

    Tuesday, February 25 - SAVE THE DATE: Signature Event: OCWLA Membership Mixer & Wine Tasting - This annual favorite event will be available for registration soon! Be on the look out for emails as this event always sells out! If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact info@ocwla.org.

    Saturday, February 29 - 1st Quarter Philanthropy Event: HEALTH Day at CHOC - Join OCWLA and the Family Legal Assistance at CHOC Children's to complete intake interviews and paperwork for CHOC families in need of conservatorships to access healthcare. Training will be provided. Attorney representation is provided by Family Legal Assistance at CHOC Children's
    Other Opportunities:
    Award Nominations: OCWLA is seeking nominations for its Attorney of the Year, Judge of the Year, and Advancement of Women Awards. Nomination forms are available on the OCWLA website. All awardees will be celebrated
    at OCWLA Annual Gala in August.

    Annual Sponsorship Program:
    OCWLA is accepting sponsors for its 2020 Annual Sponsorship Program. Annual sponsors serve as sponsors for all OCWLA's signature events at a reduced price. Membership is also included with each package.

    Gala Committee: 
    If you are a member and interested in serving on the 2020 Gala Committee, please contact Gala Chair Kelly Galligan at kgalligan@rutan.com. This year promises to be exciting as we will be celebrating OCWLA's 45th Anniversary and honoring the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

    I look forward to seeing each of you throughout this exciting year!
    Michelle A. Philo
    Michelle A. Philo
    OCWLA President

    Orange County Women Lawyers Association, P.O. Box 6130, Newport Beach, CA 92658
    Sent by info@ocwla.org in collaboration with
    Constant Contact
    Try email marketing for free today!
  • Wednesday, December 04, 2019 1:38 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    Orange County Women Lawyers Logo EmpowHer

    OCWLA Community,

    As 2019 comes to an end, I want to take a moment to thank this year's Board of Directors. Each of them has embraced the EmpowHer™ theme and has provided their own distinct contribution to this record-breaking year. Thank you to Jessica Achtsam, Jacqueline Beaumont, Sheila-Marie Finkelstein, Betty Fracisco, Kelly Galligan, Jaimi Groothuis, Dana Heyde, Tracy Hughes, Colleen McCarthy, Jessica Munk, Sarah Nowels, Laurie Rowen, Heather Stangle-Smith, and Lucia Valenzuela. I would also like to thank our Foundation Board of Directors including Jaimi Groothuis, Betty Fracisco, Shelly Aronson, and Linda Iannelli. And thank you to the many members who served on OCWLA committees. I would also like to thank Amelia Montgomery, OCWLA's Executive Director, for her exemplary work and dedication to OCWLA. 

    In 2019, OCWLA has not only achieved its goal of 500 members, but has soared past the goal with 587 members. OCWLA was able to give the largest amount it has ever given to local charities, and the OCWLA Foundation was able to double its bar stipend program. The work accomplished this year launches OCWLA into the next decade on a new platform.
    Upcoming Events:
    Signature Event: Tuesday, December 10 - OCWLA Holiday Party & Installation Dinner - OCWLA Holiday Party & Installation Dinner - The 2020 OCWLA and OCWLA Foundation Board of Directors will be installed by Hon. Linda Marks at Avenue of the Arts Hotel in Costa Mesa.  This annual event is a member favorite allowing OCWLA to take a moment during the busy holiday season to celebrate the accomplishments of 2019 and welcome the 2020 leadership.  In addition, OCWLA will recognize Orange County Justice Fund with its Community Service Award.

    Monday, December 16 OCWLA Book Club Holiday Party & Book Exchange.  This no host group will meet at a member's home for a potluck and book exchange.  You will be provided the location address prior to the event.  There is no charge for members to attend. 

    January 16, 2020 - OCBA Judges Night - OCWLA coordinates a table of members to sit together at the 2020 OCBA's Judges Night and Annual Meeting. If you are interested in sitting at the same table as OCWLA members, please contact info@ocwla.org. You will be invoiced through OCWLA and OCWLA will coordinate and pay for your seat at Judges Night with other OCWLA members.
    Other Opportunities:
    Everyday Hero Nominations: OCWLA is seeking nominations for Everyday Heroes. The Everyday Hero award is presented to members of the Orange County legal community for everyday and not so everyday acts or accomplishments. If you know someone that should be recognized as an Everyday Hero, please submit a nomination to info@ocwla.org.

    Thank you to the Orange County community for an incredible 2019!
    Michelle A. Philo
    Michelle A. Philo
    OCWLA President

    Orange County Women Lawyers Association, P.O. Box 6130, Newport Beach, CA 92658

    Sent by info@ocwla.org in collaboration with
    Constant Contact
    Try email marketing for free today!
  • Wednesday, November 20, 2019 12:17 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    The National Association of Women Lawyers is pleased to partner with Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential) to provide a meaningful summer internship opportunity for a highly-motivated first-year law student. Through this partnership, the National Association of Women Lawyers will select a student to join the 2020 summer law intern class at Prudential for a 10-week internship at Prudential’s New Jersey offices, for a stipend of approximately $10,000. Email nawl@nawl.org to apply.

  • Monday, November 18, 2019 1:16 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)
    Orange County Women Lawyers Association
    Congratulations to the 2020 OCWLA Officers & Directors  
    Michelle A. Philo

    Vice President:
    Kelly Galligan

    Dana Heyde

    G. Lucia Valenzuela

    Jessica Achtsam
    Shelly Aronson
    Jacqueline Beaumont
    Caroline Djang
    Betty Fracisco
    Tracy Hughes
    Colleen M. McCarthy
    Jessica C. Munk
    Laurie Rowen
    Heather Stangle-Smith
    Proud Usahacharoenporn
    The 2020 OCWLA Officers & Directors will be installed at the OCWLA Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 10 at The Avenue of The Arts Hotel, Costa Mesa. For more information, and to register, please see below:
    Holiday Party

  • Monday, November 18, 2019 12:58 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Fisher Phillips Career Opportunity.


    The Irvine office of Fisher Phillips seeks a senior level associate with 5-7 years of employment litigation and/or class action experience. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience handling California wage-hour class action claims and PAGA cases. Qualified candidates will be comfortable drafting and responding to discovery and initial pleadings, drafting and arguing motions, as well as taking and defending depositions. Candidate must have excellent academic credentials, strong writing and analytical skills, and ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment. Successful candidate will be a self-starter with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Must be admitted in California.

    We are not accepting resumes from search firms for this position.

  • Thursday, November 07, 2019 7:38 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Job Title Case Management Specialist Location San Francisco, CA 

    Compensation $102,691 to $168,892 per year 

    Series & Grade SK 12 

    Position Number 20-DE-10649104-MJB Application Deadline November 19, 2019 


    The Case Management Specialist will join a team that is responsible for performing a range of duties associated with SEC matters under inquiry, compliance examination, investigation, and enforcement actions. 

    To Apply 

    To learn more about this employment opportunity and/or to apply online, please visit https://go.usa.gov/xpjxM 

    For assistance, please contact the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion at (202) 551-6046 or omwi@sec.gov

  • Friday, November 01, 2019 10:57 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Please click on the link below to access the Notice from the Clerk regarding amended local rules effective December 1, 2019.


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